
Alternative & Complementary Medicine is being used more frequently across the world. All scientific aspects of traditional, complementary and integrative medicines including history, chemistry, pharmacology, molecular mechanism, proteomics, genomics, metabolomics, safety, quality control, and clinical trial are performed in this Department.

Alternative & Complementary Medicine provides a bridge connected the tradition medicine system to the modern life science with the efforts of top scientists, as well as a resource to pursuit the solutions for the existing common issues in the traditional medicine. The crucial goal would be to attain at standardized systems of Traditional approaches of medicine which can be integrated into mainstream medicine, after having sufficient research-based evidence associated with efficacy, safety, and mechanisms of action. Our departmental research forums encourage enjoyable and productive collaboration between our investigators. We strive to achieve true translational research, linking our basic and clinical research programs to deliver novel therapeutics and devices to the bedside, to directly investigate interventions and outcomes in our clinical