A core mission of the Department of Anesthesiology is to generate new knowledge that will advance the understanding and practice of Anesthesiology. Anesthesiology research has maintained a rewarding diversity of research areas, while developing new dimensions relevant to patient care and fostering state-of-the-art molecular approaches. Our faculty conducting multidisciplinary research in a number of research areas with major programs in Cardiovascular, Neuroscience, Nanotechnology, Pulmonary, Pain, Pediatric, Obstetric, Transplant, and Simulation technologies. Our departmental research forums encourage enjoyable and productive collaboration between our investigators. We strive to achieve true translational research, linking our basic and clinical research programs to deliver novel therapeutics and devices to the bedside, to directly investigate interventions and outcomes in our clinical arenas, and to perform relevant and insightful investigations at the basic, mechanistic level. To this end, the faculty have generated scores of patents and actively participate in the technology transfer process to more quickly allow patients to directly benefit from our discoveries. We are also committed to providing a supportive environment for our trainees and junior faculty to ensure their successful development as independent investigators.